365NEWS gathered that Popular Isoko musician Dr Arube Otor is set to wow the world on January 19 with a lavish party in Uzere community, Isoko, Delta State to complete the traditional marriage rites with three of his wives of Isoko origin.
In this interview with Jimitota Onoyume, Assistant News Editor, Otor aka Isoko Fela as he is widely known in Isoko nation because of his genre of Isoko high life music said he chose to organize the marriage reception for his three wives the same day to save cost , emphasizing also that he desired to use the event to shoot himself to limelight in the country.
He said he has two concubines and would commence their marriage rites after this, making them a total of six wives God would have blessed him with .
The father of nine children already said his target is to have 32 children , vowing to give all of them university education.
Excerpt :
I am Dr Arube Otor , aka Isoko Fela. I am a very popular Isoko musician, I play Isoko highlife. I got to primary six. And was born into a polygamous home.
My father had four wives. Growing up , the children from the house related very well. And we also related with the various mothers. So polygamy was never a problem in our home. And we all still maintain the healthy bond among ourselves.
Are your children in your music band already or they are in school?
No no. All my children are going to school, none in my band yet. I want all of them to be university graduates . I want my first boy to join the military from the NIgeria Defence Academy, NDA. Though the boy is not the first child, my first child is a girl but in Isoko we don’t count a girl as first child when you have a male child.
In Isoko, my parlour, my room and also my car belong to my first son as inheritance while the girls get their share of my property from their mother’s apartment from the way I built my house. Each of my wives has her apartment. Your apartment is for you and your children. I’m from Uzere in Isoko.
I had two wives before, one left. I had only one until I later added this three I will be doing the marriage reception for, making them four wives. Mind you I still have two other women pending that will join my list of wives to make six.
At 53 you have four wives already and two concubines. Do you have the strength to go round them without anyone feeling neglected?
I am equal to the task , I don’t eat rice and I also don’t use aphrodisiac , sex enhancement drugs etc . I depend on our natural food to keep me fit and ever ready for my conjugal duty as a husband to my wives. My wives will tell you that I visit them every week.
I avoid rice because it weakens a man. I’m sure you understand me.
I want to have 32 children and until I have them I won’t leave this earth. God will bless me with them.
Some of your readers may want to know how you manage your home to see that there is peace among the four wives and the two concubines
I make sure my wives don’t fight among themselves. If they have any problem among themselves they report to me and I settle them. If it’s an issue between two of them, I call the others to be there to witness how I settle the dispute so they will also learn.
Are they full house wives or they are in your band supporting your music?
My wives are doing their businesses. I don’t allow them play music with me. The eldest one is a hair dresser, the second is a caterer , the third one is a trader at the market. The junior one now is also a hairdresser.
The other two pending (concubines), one is a nurse in Warri and the other is a butcher at Oleh. She is the Chair lady of Oleh butchers association
Is anyone among the four you have married more educated than you?
No . But I have this feeling that the junior one finished secondary school. You know women can hide things about themselves a lot. She reads and write very well. She is 28 years.
Speak on the love life in the home
The various angels in heaven are not rated the same by our creator. So among my four wives the 28 years old love me more. And on my part you know I can’t love all equally, certainly I will love them differently. But I won’t disclose my feelings on this .
Your religion
I’m an idol worshiper. I worship Igbe. One of my wives is also an Igbe worshiper. The other three go to church.
Speak on preparations for the traditional marriage reception ceremony on January 19
Members of Performing musician Association of Nigeria will be there that day. They will take charge of the music. Logistics for refreshment have been fixed. It’s a big day. It will be colorful. Like I said earlier, I have already paid their bride prices. And we have been living together. So what’s happening that day is just the ceremony.